Diving Conditions

Diving Conditions | 12-18 December 2004

A lot of turtles were seen around Julian Rocks. The large Bullrays are around as well. Other sightings included octopus and a tiny wobbegong (~15 cm). Weather Few clouds, but mainly sunny days with not too much wind. Sea Calm, a bit of current in places. Plenty of thermoclines. Water temperature 20 – 23°C Visibility Low visibility on some places, but very patchy: [...]

Diving Conditions | 5-11 December 2004

If you want to be dive with Grey Nurse Sharks it is still possible! A few of those sharks are still around. The large rays have settled in and can be seen on most dives as well. Plenty of Blue Gropers, turtles (green, loggerhead and hawksbill!!), Old Wifes, the lot. Weather Heavy rain until Friday morning. Saturday [...]

Diving Conditions | 28 November-4 December 2004

More grey nurse sharks! Offically they aggregate at Julian Rocks from late May till the end of October, but they are still here. Turtles, large schools of batfish, Half-circled Angelfish and the big Bull Rays. Black Cod and Malabar Grouper at the Cod Hole. Weather Loads of sun and pleasant breezes. Strong N/NW from Tuesday. Friday it [...]

Diving Conditions | 21-27 November 2004

At least one Grey Nurse Shark is still around. Some Malabar Cods hang out in the same area around the Cod Hole and the sand trenches. Large Bullrays seem to like Julian Rocks at this time of year. And of course there was the usual life, such as Blue Gropers, turtles were everywhere, different species [...]

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