Diving Conditions| 31 October-6 November 2004

Although officially the Grey Nurse Shark season has ended they are still around. Plenty of turtles this week as per usual, schools of Jewfish, large Bull Rays, a big Black Cod at the end of Hugo’s Trench, some large Spotted Wobbegongs too and Blue-bottles on the beach.

A lot of people are stil fortunate enough to see more Humpback Whales moving South.

A presumed Longman’s beaked Whale washed up on Byron Bay’s beach. Only two intact, but dead, specimens have ever been found. A VERY rare animal indeed.

Sunny weather at the beginning of the week, but on Thursday the winds increased in strength and we got some more rain. Strong northerlies.
The northerlies roughed up the Bay. Some of the diving was cancelled.
Water temperature
Visibility was very low on Sunday (2 meters!), but that improved quickly: 12 – 15 meters for the rest of the week.

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